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It's Time!

Oooo, two Blog posts in one week! And there was me saying, "I can't imagine blogging"...

I went to see the Team at Pontin's on Friday and, as I walked out of the office, I reflected on all that has happened and all that will be. The team are so excited about the new event and we have such a great relationship that I know it's going to run smoothly. Every time I go to the venue, I envisage you all there, laughing and smiling and a huge buzz surrounding us all.

I thought to myself, "Blimey! I'm throwing a massive event for people and it's going to be fantastic!". I'm just so excited. It's a huge responsibility and I am so appreciative of the faith and support that people have shown me. Bookings have been coming in daily and I'm grateful for the time I have been afforded as it means I can really fine tune the event to make it the best for you, the guests.

I feel that it's finally my time to fulfil my dream and really put on a party that will set the swing music scene alight. My sense of it being THE time led to more thoughts about a dear friend who was taken from our lives, very suddenly, last year. We have to do the things we dream of NOW. Tomorrow may be too late. So, I'm doing this in honour of Rachel, who lived her life to the full and died doing what she loved.

Now it's OUR time to get this show on the road! Let's do it! Thank you for spreading the word, everyone.

Special thanks this week go to Laurie (my calming rock), Paul Golledge (who makes me laugh so much and blows me away with his knowledge and support), and Pam Phillips (always sorting my head out - bless you).

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