Baroness Jojo embarked on her DJ career in 2001, initially learning her craft as a volunteer at Middlesex Hospital radio (where she also enjoyed borrowing their enormous record collection!).
Soon moving on to DJ at swing events, such as Jitterbugs, she has since been a regular disc spinner at various swing, charleston, RnB and RnR dance-oriented events, including venues such as the legendary 100 Club, Shoreditch Town Hall and Bethnal Green Working Men’s club, to name a few.
Jojo also has a long term residency at Wild Times, Holborn and has also held residencies at Café de Paris and The Pigalle Club, where she DJ’d weekly for several years with her long time collaborator Aila Floyd as The Bee’s Knees.
Her career highlights include playing The Brits Awards After Party, Glastonbury Festival and The Royal Albert Hall! The John Peel of vintage dance tunes, Jojo plays an eclectic mix of foot tappers from the 20s to the 50s, bringing 23 years of experience as a committed dancer to what dance connoisseurs want to hear.